What is the best way to clean the house?

If you spend hours cleaning your home only to find it covered with clutter and grime a short time later, you need a plan to routinely tidy and spot clean to maintain your initial effort. Enlist your family's help to make the plan a success.
Make it a house rule to "clean as you go." Wash dishes immediately after meals, for example. Have kids pick up and put away games after playing them. Fold and store the laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. Recycle old newspapers and junk mail before it piles up.
Put everyone in charge of simple chores like emptying their own trash can and straightening and dusting their room. Reward the family with dinner out or a trip to the movies if everyone completes their tasks for a month.
Create a "go back" basket that you keep at the bottom of the stairs. Place items in it throughout the day (instead of scattered all over the house), then carry it up once and return everything to the proper place before bed.
Use simple storage like labeled baskets and bins wherever possible. Even the kids will be able to find what they need and toss it back easily when done.
Buy an assortment of cleaning wipes for quick clean ups throughout the day. Place containers in bathrooms and the kitchen so family members can wipe up after themselves.
Set up a simple 20-minute maintenance routine that you perform each night while the kids are brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed. Return items from the "go back" basket, wipe surfaces and prepare your "to do" list for the next day. You won't have to do much before bed if everyone chips in throughout the day.
